bended vision
Isn't funny how our vision can be bended? Bended by the moment, by the time, by our age, by our mood, by our emotion. It also circles. It brings us back around. We see similarities in separate moments. We see connections that may or may not really be. Something as simple as sight, our taking in of light into our brains so highly blurred by the higher ability to reason and apply our human flaw to it.
That is the truth isn't it really, that there is no one real truth as seen through human eyes? Think about it. How many eyewitnesses can have completely different accounts of the same event? Not even taking into account the quality of our eyesight it is amazing how we can see more what we want or hope or think we see that what is actually there. How shocked would we be to see video accounts of our lives that our own eyes paint such pictures of. Do our lives, our memories of living, then become more art than fact?
Art is subjective. One painting can evoke so many emotions or thoughts all over the spectrum just depending who is looking at it. The trained eye vs. the untrained. The old vs. the young. The saint vs. the sinner.
Seeing a friend through bended vision creates these questions. Seeing them maybe for what they really are, or maybe just for what I need them to currently be. I wonder which one it is. I wonder which one am I. What did I need before? What do I need now? Which one need was and is more necessary for me to go on as I should.
This bending can then open up new visions. Visions of others. Visions of new friends, or returns of old ones. Layering upon layer of new truths or old lies. Possibly old truths and new lies. Either way not really ever knowing what makes the difference other than the point of perception within the moment that I choose to close my eyes and make a choice, create an action, then... and only then seeing what happens.
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