Friday, September 22, 2006


Is modesty dead?

I wonder about this. Really I do. I wonder if I am the only guy around who doesn't want to see a woman flash her breasts in a crowd.

Yes I am a man, a straight man, who does have a pulse. Seriously, but I just don't want to see it. It really makes me feel bad inside. It seems unexplainable. It seems irrational. Maybe it is. I do not discount the fact that this could just be one of my "things".

I wonder though, it can't be a bad thing to be a thing. I like allure. I like a little mystery. I like a woman who dresses in a classy way. In this instant gratification american capitalistic materialistic world we live in when it comes to a woman I like to know that if I am going to see anything that it is something done privately and with thought and meaning. Is this just selfishness disguised as noble intentions? I'll grant you that it could be. Maybe I am just fooling myself. However if I am why does it bother me so easily as it does? Why have I always looked away when I knew those moments were about to happen? Do I just hold onto this chivalry as some selfish quest to be nobler than thou?

It could very well be all of these things wrapped in one big mess. The more I wonder and spend time with just myself learning what alone means, learning more of who I am by myself everything is more combined and complicated than it is simple and seperate. Obvious sure cause we are all human all comprised of a complex system of biochemistry. Why shouldn't it be all one big human mess. I think we just compartmentalize everything just to somewhat keep from going stark raving mad.

I know one little thing. I would be happier knowing I would not have to avert my eyes anymore. I know this is not the case so I will just have to deal with it, therefore I write.

If for no other reason, to put it in its own little compartment and put it away so I can feel sane as I drift off to sleep.